Friday, May 27, 2011

Step aside, creative person coming through!

Humility is something that Ghandi used to talk about a lot. I had to look up the meaning of the word, which should tell you how much ‘humility’ I practise. The definition talks about being humble – kind of obvious. But for me, I think it means finding some peace in your daily grind. It means that you don’t sweat the small stuff.

There’s apparently a space or mindset you can get to, where things like chores and traffic and washing dishes don’t bore the living daylights out of you. I have yet to find this mythical space. It feels like the older I get, the more admin seems to creep into my days. It also feels like my passions are becoming these distant memories. Things that used to occupy my every waking moment, like my music and my little art projects, have taken a back seat.

So, I’m on a mission to recapture my youthful daydreams. Instead of thinking about what to cook for dinner in the traffic, I’ll make sure I notice how beautiful the sunset is. And when I’m grumbling about doing dishes, I’ll pause and regroup so I have some energy to paint a masterpiece or something later.

Forget anti-aging creams and botox, I’m going to skinny-dip my way to a younger mindset. Watch this space and prepare to be inspired!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How to look good cycling.

Alana Cremonte lives in Cape Town and is our latest guest blogger.
She’s focused on her career, loves fashion, cooking, music, and
looking and feeling good. Follow her at

The new bus route is finally up and running in Cape Town, which means I won’t waste two hours of my life doing a horrible work commute. I’m all abuzz because there’s so much I’ll be able to do during those bus rides – like read books and draw perhaps? Heck, I may even study something!

But the biggest ‘hooray’ of this new development is that you can take your bike on the bus. That means I could cycle the last part of my journey, so I’ll get some actual exercise every day of the week.

But I have so many unanswered questions about bicycling etiquette. Like, how do I carry my laptop; because I’m not really a backpack kinda girl. Then there’s the question of helmet head? Not to mention the fact that a helmet isn’t exactly an accessory I’ve dealt with before. Also, will my make-up survive the uphill part of my journey? And what if I want to wear high heels to work?

One thing I do know is that I’ll be riding [in my dreams] this 26" cruiser bicycle with a Gucci logo on its frame and an engraved GG handlebar bell.

Take a look at for more.

And while I may not be able to steer clear of cycling-hat-head, these yakkay helmets are definitely better than the plastic racing ones the cyclists wear.

Go to to check them out.
Your new guest blogger
Alana Cremonte!